Baby Boomer Memory Test

For some reason lately I have been thinking about the old celebrities and the characters they created. Sure every generation has their Puff Daddies but it seems to me that we had more of them, or at least they were more memorable.  So it just seemed natural to list as many as I could.  I am sure there are dozens more that I can't bring to mind but this list stood out as those who created some of the best memories of my youth.  See if you can match the popular actor to the iconic character that helped make their career.

1.  Jackie Gleason                                                  A.  Jose Jimenez

2.  Red Skelton                                                       B.  Chester A. Riley

3. Jonathon Winters                                                C.  Maynard G. Krebs

4.  Phil Silvers                                                         D.  Ernie Bilko

5.  Bob Keeshon                                                      E.  Charlie Weaver

6.  Carrol O'Connor                                                 F.  Clem Kadiddlehopper

7. William Bendix                                                   G.  Gladys Ormphby

8.  Cliff Arquette                                                      H.  Ralph Kramden

9.  Bill Dana                                                              I.   Maude Frickert

10.  Ruth Buzzi                                                          J.  Archie Bunker

11.  George Carlin                                                     K.  Captain Kangaroo

12.  Bob Denver                                                         L.  The Hippy Dippy Weatherman

I will list the correct answers on my Twitter feed or you can just Google the characters to see how well you did.  Please let me know your score by leaving a comment.  For the younger generations who may not have had the pleasure of living with these folks, a YouTube search can show you what comedy can be like without the use of profanities vulgar gestures.  Hope this was fun.


  1. 1-H; 2-F; 3-I; 4-D; 5-K; 6-J; 7-B; 8-E; 9-A; 10-G; 11-L; 12-C


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