I Got a Bun In the Oven!

We have been on a mission to eliminate HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) and hydrogenated anything from our diets lately but it is not as easy as one might think. It is particularly hard to find buns for dogs and burgers at a supermarket without one or both. (Obviously not trying to eliminate artery clogging red meat yet. Baby steps...baby steps) We've tried numerous bread and bun recipes over the last few months with some success but they all took quite a long time to prep, what with the raising of the dough and beating it down only to let is rise again. (what's that about?) Then one day while surfing the net when I should have been doing something more productive, VOILA! 40 Minute Hamburg Buns appears on Pinterest. I'm not posting the recipe because then I would have to give credit to the originator which means wasting time trying to track him or her down when I could be reading Facebook updates. Suffice to say a quick search on Pinterest...