Falldown Family Father Feeling Fairly Foolish

I enjoy live theatre! Broadway musicals are my favorite. There, I've said it and I'm not nearly as embarrassed by that public pronouncement as I might have been say..... a dozen years ago. Yesterday was shaping up to be quite an enjoyable day. My wife and I had tickets to see the National Tour of the hit Broadway show "Motown" at the State Theatre in Cleveland's Playhouse Square. As we are circling the block to find parking we pass the Hanna Theatre and see "Les Miserables" on their marquee. OMG, this day just got even better. Les Mis just happens to be our absolute favorite musical of all time. Could we actually do a double feature? We will get home later than expected but the dog has plenty of food and water. The worst that could happen is we may have to clean up an "accident" left as a message not to neglect her for so long in the future. OK, if we can get tickets, we're doing it! I ask the young man at the ticket...